I managed to find this printer for a good deal to later identified it as a RepRap with an Arduino 2560 and ramps 1.4 extension.
The Arduino 2560 is a microcontroller, basically the "motherboard" with programmable input and outputs based on the atmega 1280 microchip. The Ramps 1.4 is a RepRap sheild that provides the circuitry in a package form needed for hotend, heatbeds, endstops and stepper drivers - the driver that handles the power and precise positioning. While the pairing is seen often in DIY kit printers, this combination is often common in similar "name brand" boards and clones as an all-in-one single integrated board.

After assessing the construction of the printer, the kit parts seemed poorly printed themselves leaving too much play, and I ultimately decided to start over.
The RepRap Wallace is discribed as basically a minimalist 3d printer. This using the least amount of materials, allowing for faster prototyping time and an overall simplified machine. It is with this I decided to convert the project, while making a few alterations along the way, to the RepRap Wallace.

And began printing

I printed the Wallace parts for 8mm threaded and machined rod at 15% infill and was happy with the turn out.

More printing was happening while I was assembling what I had and disassembling the remains of the purchased printer.

Now with the base and linear bearing mounts I am about 16 hours in for print time. The prints have come out great and everything is fitting up nicely - except for the carriage and vertical rods. Rather than cut the carriage rods, I took some measurments and began to create new mounts in solidworks.
At this time I am currently printing the hot end extruder assembly.

June 25 Update

Things have come a long way for the printer. I haven't been able to make as much progress as I would have liked over the passed week, however it is coming together.
The Arduino 2560 is a microcontroller, basically the "motherboard" with programmable input and outputs based on the atmega 1280 microchip. The Ramps 1.4 is a RepRap sheild that provides the circuitry in a package form needed for hotend, heatbeds, endstops and stepper drivers - the driver that handles the power and precise positioning. While the pairing is seen often in DIY kit printers, this combination is often common in similar "name brand" boards and clones as an all-in-one single integrated board.
After assessing the construction of the printer, the kit parts seemed poorly printed themselves leaving too much play, and I ultimately decided to start over.
The RepRap Wallace is discribed as basically a minimalist 3d printer. This using the least amount of materials, allowing for faster prototyping time and an overall simplified machine. It is with this I decided to convert the project, while making a few alterations along the way, to the RepRap Wallace.
And began printing
I printed the Wallace parts for 8mm threaded and machined rod at 15% infill and was happy with the turn out.
More printing was happening while I was assembling what I had and disassembling the remains of the purchased printer.
Now with the base and linear bearing mounts I am about 16 hours in for print time. The prints have come out great and everything is fitting up nicely - except for the carriage and vertical rods. Rather than cut the carriage rods, I took some measurments and began to create new mounts in solidworks.
At this time I am currently printing the hot end extruder assembly.
June 25 Update
Things have come a long way for the printer. I haven't been able to make as much progress as I would have liked over the passed week, however it is coming together.
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